Thursday, 8 January 2015

2015, The Start of Something New

Well Hello there!

 So the new year is upon us and as 2015 has begun! 
And as a new project I've decided to start this blog which I envision to be yet another beauty, health, and lifestyle place, while also sharing any quirky opinions and thoughts I want to express. 

This year I haven't made resolutions as such, but goals. Things to work towards in the hope of not just having a great year, but becoming a greater person (I know it sounds cheesy but bear with me). 
These goals include: 
*Becoming generally kinder and more compassionate 
*Being more independent 
*Working harder 
*Being healthier (typical) 
*And not getting caught up in the online world

Now I know the last one might sound a little strange as I've just decided to create a blog. But I feel like this is a good change. It encourages me to get out and do things, experience new things, so that it can be recorded here, as a kind of journal that is open to the public.

Now I can't successfully achieve these goals without making changes. Real changes. And I encourage each and every one of you to do the same! These might sound easier said than done, but you can do it! Here are just 3 changes I've made/am making, and I hope you can give these a go. 

1. If you're not happy with the people who surround you, then move on. You deserve happiness and you deserve to be surrounded by friends who appreciate and support you. Moving on to find someone new can be a daunting thought, but it will make you feel so much better! 

2. Cut down on technology. Yes it can be tricky when we live in a world run by it, but just take some time out each day to appreciate the world around you without pulling your phone out or scrolling  through social media sites. This will sound deep so grab your snorkels, but I've realised just how much beauty and life I've been missing out on, all because I get too caught up in staring at a screen. 

3. Listen more. Giving the time to listen to what someone has to say can really make that person happy. So next time that annoying relative wants to have a chat, don't avoid them and make an excuse to leave, just take a minute out of your time to listen to what they have to say. 

I wish you all the best year you've ever had! And hope you've enjoyed this first post. 

Bella x

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