Hey everyone!
In a day’s time, I will be setting off on a little overseas adventure. I’ve had my fair share of travelling, and I reckon I know a thing or two about packing a carry-on bag. So what better time than to share my travel essentials!
Some people like to take a fair bit on the plane with them, but I myself like to take to take as little as possible. I recommend using a small backpack or rucksack; that way you can swing your belongings over your shoulder and don’t have to worry about carrying extra baggage. Another great thing about a light backpack is that when on the plane you can keep it by your feet. This is so much easier than having to go to the overhead compartment every time you need something!
Missguided - Front tassel retro rucksack |
Skin Care and Makeup
I’m someone who doesn’t like to wear makeup on long flights. I find that it dries my skin out even more on a plane and it just isn’t necessary for me. But I understand that we all want to look a little more fresh-faced when we get off our flight, so I always pack…
· * Concealer – to brighten up my eyes and cover any blemishes that I might have
· * Powder – to to set my concealer and absorb any excess oil throughout the day
I also like to go into the bathroom and give my face a quick wash to freshen myself up before I land.
· * Facemasks – Flying can really dry your skin out, so a sheet mask is a great way to hydrate your face! I also use masks to help me calm down and relax when I’m feeling anxious. You may look silly on the plane haha, but a bit of luxury will give you something to do when you’re bored, and your skin will definitely thank you! Plus, this is a fun activity you can do with your friends!
· * Lip balm – much like your skin, your lips can also dry out fast. I recommend using Lucas’ Papaw ointment to moisturise your pout in a flash!
I hate having to constantly do my hair or worry about whether it looks decent. So I almost always have my hair braided in 2 little Dutch braids. This tends to hold really well and keeps my hair off my face. My other option is chucking my hair up in a messy bun with a scrunchie. Scrunchies are great because it keep hair off the face, and doesn’t tangle and dent your hair like a hair tie would.
· * Warm jumper – Planes can get really cold, and there’s nothing worse than freezing on an 8-hour flight! I always wear an oversized hoodie to keep warm and snuggly!
· * Cosy socks – I find fluffy bed socks really comfortable and warm. Wearing these makes me feel more snuggly and also helps me feel less anxious. They just make me more feel more comfortable and homely. (I sip these on once I’m on the plane)
· * Leggings/sweatpants – Comfort and warmth is key. When you’re sitting down for hours you want to wear something simple and easy to relax in.
· * Passport – You won’t get far without this one!
· * Headphones – to listen to music or watch movies throughout your journey.
· * Phone – Travelling includes a lot of waiting around, so take your phone to keep you occupied.
· * Book
· * Gum – It keeps you feeling and smelling fresh when on a crowded plane, and can also help prevent blocked ears from the change in air pressure.
· * Camera – You never know when you might want to snap a cool shot! Of course, you can use your phone as a camera, but I like to take a digital camera as well.
· * Tissues – This is just a must have. You never know when you’ll need a handy tissue!
· * Band-aids/plasters – I always keep some in my bag just in case I get a blister or a random cut somewhere.
· * Sunglasses – in case it’s sunny while I’m out and about.
· * Chargers – to charge my phone and camera whilst in the airport or on the plan.
· * Medication – I always travel with some pain killers and travel sickness medication. And don’t forget to pack any other medication you specifically need!
Enjoy any upcoming trips! Hopefully my travel essentials will help you pack for your adventures. Travel safe!
Bella x